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History of International Relations

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Scientic Supervisor / Contact Person

Name and Surname
Carlos Sanz Díaz

Localization & Research Area

Faculty / Institute
Faculty of Geography and History
Modern and Contemporary History
Research Area
Social Sciences and Humanities (SOC)

MSCA & ERC experience

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Research Team & Research Topic

Research Team / Research Group Name (if any)
History of International Relations
Website of the Research team / Research Group / Department
Brief description of the Research Team / Research Group / Department
The Grupo de Historia de las Relaciones Internacionales (GHistRI) is a distinguished research group within the Department of Modern and Contemporary History at Complutense University of Madrid (UCM). Since its foundation in 2006, GHistRI has developed into a leading center for the study of international relations history, European integration, transnational movements, and diplomatic history, with a special focus on the intersection between national and international dynamics in contemporary Europe. The group is officially recognized by UCM and has been awarded the highest rating of Excellence in its latest institutional evaluation.
Comprising 23 members, including senior professors, early-career researchers, and PhD candidates, GHistRI has consistently contributed to historiographical debates through high-impact publications, international collaborations, and research projects funded by national and European institutions. It actively participates in major research networks, such as the European Parliament History Research Network, the Cold War Research Network, and the International Commission of History of International Relations.
GHistRI members have led and contributed to numerous competitive projects, including the Jean Monnet Chair HistEU – History of Europe and European Integration (funded by the European Commission), and various research initiatives funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. The group has played a key role in pioneering studies on Spain’s role in European integration, Cold War diplomacy, and transnational activism, applying innovative methodologies such as oral history, prosopography, and comparative international history.
Committed to fostering academic exchange and research training, GHistRI regularly organizes international conferences, specialized workshops, and doctoral training seminars, making it an ideal environment for hosting Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellows seeking to develop cutting-edge historical research with an international and interdisciplinary scope. Through its emphasis on methodological innovation and engagement with global historiographical trends, GHistRI has positioned itself as a hub for groundbreaking research in international history.
The research group is part of the Department of Modern and Contemporary History, one of Spain’s most active academic units in the field, with a strong international profile and long-standing research excellence. The Contemporary History section is particularly engaged in the study of political, social, and cultural transformations from the 19th century to the present. Faculty members collaborate with leading universities and research centers worldwide and have a strong commitment to training young scholars, integrating them into research projects and academic networks.
GHistRI is based at the Faculty of Geography and History, one of the most prestigious humanities faculties in Spain, consistently ranked among the top in national and international university rankings. It offers an intellectually vibrant environment, fostering interdisciplinary dialogue and hosting a wide range of academic events, making it an ideal setting for Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellows seeking to develop cutting-edge historical research with an international and interdisciplinary scope.
Research lines / projects proposed
Our research focuses on the historical study of international relations, European integration, and transnational dynamics, with a strong emphasis on archival research and interdisciplinarity. Our research lines are:
1.- History of European integration and Spain’s role in the EU. We analyze the evolution of Spain’s influence in European institutions, from its accession to the European Communities in 1986 to its participation in key EU treaties and policy-making processes. This includes a comparative perspective on Spain’s diplomatic strategies and European negotiations, as well as an assessment of how Europeanization transformed Spanish political, economic, and administrative structures. Particular attention is given to the role of Spanish actors—diplomats, politicians, technocrats, and civil society—in shaping European policies and contributing to the institutional and policy development of the European Union.
2.- History of international relations and diplomacy. We explore Spain’s external relations with Latin America, the Mediterranean, and the broader international community. Our research examines the impact of transnational actors, both governmental and non-governmental, on international diplomacy, as well as the evolving role of diplomatic archives, state secrecy, and historical memory in shaping international relations.
3.- Global and regional governance in historical perspective. We study the evolution of international organizations and governance structures, assessing how global and regional diplomatic frameworks have influenced policy-making and state interactions. This includes the intersection between diplomacy, security, and economic policies in Europe and beyond, as well as the role of non-state actors—such as international advocacy groups, think tanks, and transnational elites—in shaping international affairs.
4.- Public memory, identity, and transnational history. Our work explores how historical narratives of European integration have been constructed and contested in Spain and other EU member states. We analyze the role of historical memory in contemporary European and international politics, investigating the ways in which history, political discourse, and institutional narratives interact to shape perceptions of the past and influence policymaking.
These research lines are explored through ongoing projects, such as the Jean Monnet Chair HISTEU (History of Europe and European Integration), which advances historical perspectives on European integration, and the project #SpainInEurope, which examines Spain’s power and influence in European affairs between 1986 and 2004. The latter, funded by Spain’s National Research Plan, seeks to map Spain’s ecosystem of influence in Brussels and assess its role in shaping EU decision-making processes. For further details on our current projects, please visit our website.

Application requirements

Professional Experience & Documents
Interested fellows must submit the following documents for evaluation:
1.- Curriculum Vitae (CV) providing a detailed overview of academic achievements, professional experience, and relevant soft skills.
2.- Letter of Motivation outlining the candidate’s research interests, alignment with the proposed research lines, and specific motivations for applying to work with our research group.
You can attach the 'One Page Proposal' to enhance the attractiveness of your application. Supervisors usually appreciate it. Please take into account your background and the information provided in Research Team & Research Topic section to fill in it.

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