The EURAXESS Network Local Contact Point at UCM

The main goal of this University’s service is to help researchers in mobility (those developing her/his research activity at UCM -incoming mobility- as well as those moving to another country from UCM -outgoing mobility-) by providing them with useful and reliable information on topics related to such mobility.

In case you are a researcher in mobility moving to UCM to develop your research activity and you are unaware of some issue related to

  • visa formalities;
  • taxation;
  • recognition of qualifications;
  • Social Security;
  • national healthcare system;

You can find general information following this link, or you can look the information up in the “Guidelines for the Management of the Mobility of the Foreign Researcher in Spain 2017” that you can download following the next link:  Guidelines for the Management of the Mobility of the Foreign Researcher in Spain


Issues related to accommodation are dealt with the “Oficina de Alojamiento” (Accomodation Office) and the “Centro Internacional de Visitantes y Acogida, CIVA” (International Welcome Center). You may visit their website at the following link. The UCM can provide the visiting researchers with the possibility to get accommodation though different options like residences or apartments.

Learning Spanish language and culture

Visiting researchers at UCM will be given the opportunity to learn the Spanish language and participate in cultural immersion activities at the “Centro Complutense para la Enseñanza del Español”. You can find information about courses and activities following this link

Funding information

Should you be looking for funding for your research activities or need counsel for career development issues, you can be given advise on EU funded programmes for R&D activities and funding opportunities for career development contacting the people at the European Office for R&D

You can also find interesting information about the Public Research System in Spain downloading the document in the following link: Researcher Career path in Spain at a glance! (7th edition)


Intellectual property rights

All issues and enquiries related to intellectual property rights and the way to protect and make use of your research results and inventions will be dealt at the Patents Section of the “Oficina de Transferencia de Resultados de Investigación” (OTRI). You can visit their website following this link or contact them at