European Office

The European Office for R&D of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) has the mission of promoting and managing the participation of UCM research staff in competitive international funding programmes for R&D&I activities.

The work of this Office focuses especially on the framework programme Horizon Europe of research and innovation of the European Union, as it represents the main source of international funding for the Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

The European Office for R&D is structured through two functional areas directly related to its mission: the area of promotion of participation and the area of management of granted projects.

The vision of the promotion area is to improve the participation of our university’s research groups in order to increase the number of funded projects. Likewise, to increase the rate of return derived from the concurrence to these competitive international programs promoting the leadership of the UCM in the calls for consortium projects.

The area of management of granted projects has as its vision an adequate economic management in order to correctly justify the resources involved in the projects, adjusting to the financial regulations of the programmes. In the same way, an efficient administrative and operative economic management that facilitates the development of the granted projects.

The European Office for R&D also collaborates representing the university before different entities, institutions and networks at all administrative levels in order to improve the quality of advisory services provided to research staff.

Support actions for MSCA-PF fellow candidates

A complete “Step by Step” guide with all the necessary resources (e.g. Institutional information, videos and guides on “How to Write a Successful Application to the MSCA Program”, etc.) to achieve a competitive proposal.

Support in the application process (e.g. submitting, drafting, etc.) and in-depth review of the proposal by experienced advisors. If you would like us to review your proposal, remember that we have an internal (see “Timeline for the application to MSCA-PF” table)Contact us through the contact form to get more information.

Liaison between the applicants and other services of the UCM (e.g. Technology Transfer Office, Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit, Entrepreneurship service, etc.).

Advice about career development issues, in particular, about those related to the existing opportunities to get funding beyond the MSCA-PF Project.

Furthermore, the European Liaison Office acting as a local contact point of the EURAXESS network LINK CORRECTO. QUE ABRA EN OTRA PESTAÑA will assist the funded candidates on any issue related to her/his mobility.