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Applied Mathematics-Economics Group

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Scientic Supervisor / Contact Person

Name and Surname
Francisco Alvarez Gonzalez

Localization & Research Area

Faculty / Institute
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
Análisis Económico y Economía Cuantitativa
Research Area
Economic Sciences (ECO)

MSCA & ERC experience

Research group / research team hosted any MSCA fellow?
Research group / research team have any ERC beneficiaries?

Research Team & Research Topic

Research Team / Research Group Name (if any)
Applied Mathematics-Economics Group
Website of the Research team / Research Group / Department
Brief description of the Research Team / Research Group / Department
My department focuses in Economic Theory and Econometrics.
Research lines / projects proposed
My research focuses in:

1/ Auction theory and its applications. I have worked in Treasury Bill auctions, EU-ETS auctions and renewvable energy electricity auctions.

2/ Dynamic programming and its application to economics. I have worked in different applications that involve learning over time of economic agents.

3/ Supervised Machine Learning and its applications to economics. I have studied problems of bankruptcy prediction, impact of environmental policies and an application to covid19 patients in hospitals.

I have worked in theoretical models, numerical methods and data. My major interest is the combination of theory and empirics.

Please, visit my profile at:,-francisco

Application requirements

Professional Experience & Documents
Curriculum vitae and fields/topics of interest.
You can attach the 'One Page Proposal' to enhance the attractiveness of your application. Supervisors usually appreciate it. Please take into account your background and the information provided in Research Team & Research Topic section to fill in it.

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