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Scientic Supervisor / Contact Person

Name and Surname
Ángel S. Sanz

Localization & Research Area

Faculty / Institute
Faculty of Physical Science
Research Area
Mathematics (MAT), Physics (PHY)

MSCA & ERC experience

Research group / research team hosted any MSCA fellow?
Research group / research team have any ERC beneficiaries?

Research Team & Research Topic

Research Team / Research Group Name (if any)
Website of the Research team / Research Group / Department
Brief description of the Research Team / Research Group / Department
DICE2 (Spanish acronym form Event-by-Event Quantum Dynamics) is a research group of new creation (although not yet officially validated) and in phase of consolidation, settled down at the Department of Optics (Faculty of Physical Science) of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. The main goals of DICE2 are the implementation and development of event-by-event quantum and optical reliable simulators to analyze the behavior exhibited by materials when probed by rare gases (matter-wave interferometry in the gas phase), high-energy electrons (transmission electron microscopy) and light (interferometry and wave guiding). The investigations carried out by DICE2 are developed in collaboration with members from the Department of Optics as well as with different national and international theoretical and experimental research groups, which include different disciplines, such as quantum optics, surface scattering, chemical reactivity, or electron microscopyMore details on the type of research conducted by DICE2 can be found at, as well as through the publications webpage, For further information, please, do not hesitate to contact us at
Research lines / projects proposed
The MSCA can be accomodated within any of the following research lines, currently active in the group:
-Phenomenology of coherence and entanglement.
-Study and analysis of diffraction and diffusion by surfaces.
-Study and characterization of materials by electron transmission microscopy.
-Influence of the topology of potential energy surfaces on quantum dynamics.
The philosophy within all these research lines essentially consists of taking the typical tools of the electromagnetic optics and the matter-wave optics (electrons, atoms and molecules, basically) to explore the behavior exhibited by different materials under the variation of some physical conditions and parameters of interest, such as the existence of thermal fluctuations and the presence of external mechanisms (decoherence, entanglement, strong and weak measurements), deffects and imperfections (incoherence mechanisms), or boundary conditions imposed by the studied systems themselves (topology of the potential energy surface that describes the system).To tackle these investigations, ad hoc methodology will be developed, based on the hydrodynamic or Bohmian formulation of the quantum theory, which allows us to implement numerical codes analogous to the usual classical molecular dynamics, but with the classical force being replaced by the action of the wave function, which plays the role of an effective dynamical field. This kind of simulators allows us to explore and analyze quantum systems from both a statistical perspective and, locally, trajectory by trajectory, which becomes a powerful computational and analytical tool, particularly relevant to the case of the aforementioned systems.

Application requirements

Professional Experience & Documents
Interested candidates are requested to send an up-to-date and detailed CV as well as a motivation letter including a brief project proposal draft to before July 10th, 2017. Suitable candidates will be asked for further information.
You can attach the 'One Page Proposal' to enhance the attractiveness of your application. Supervisors usually appreciate it. Please take into account your background and the information provided in Research Team & Research Topic section to fill in it.

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