Discurso y Comunicación en Lengua inglesa: Estudios de Lingüística Cognitiva y Funcional (DISCOM-COGFUNC)
Scientic Supervisor / Contact Person
Name and Surname
Juana Isabel Marin-Arrese
Localization & Research Area
Faculty / Institute
Faculty of Fine Arts
Estudios Ingleses: Lingüística y Literatura
Research Area
Social Sciences and Humanities (SOC)
MSCA & ERC experience
Research group / research team hosted any MSCA fellow?
Research group / research team have any ERC beneficiaries?
Research Team & Research Topic
Research Team / Research Group Name (if any)
Discurso y Comunicación en Lengua inglesa: Estudios de Lingüística Cognitiva y Funcional (DISCOM-COGFUNC)
Website of the Research team / Research Group / Department
Brief description of the Research Team / Research Group / Department
The research group "Discourse and Communication in English: Studies in Cognitive and Functional Linguistics" (DISCOM-COGFUNC) is a UCM consolidated group, which was recently evaluated and graded as Excellent by the Spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigación.
The research interests of the group are the following:
(i) Studies in discourse, cognition, interculturality and ideology; (ii) Multimodal discourse studies; (iii) Studies in pragmatics and intercultural communication; (iv) Studies in literary discourse, cognitive poetics and narratology; (v) Discourse for academic and profesional studies.
The members of the group have published in international journals indexed in JCR, such as Discourse Studies (4), Journal of Pragmatics (2), Intercultural pragmatics (2), Belgium Journal of Linguistics (1), Critical Discourse Studies (1), Journal of English Studies (1), Journal of Gender Studies (1), Journal of Politeness Research (1), Languages in Contrast (1), Language Sciences (1), International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism (1), Computer Assisted Language Learning (1), Language and Education (1), Narrative (1), and other journals indexed in SCOPUS, ERIH, DICE-CINDOC, IBSS, RLG, o RILMS.
The members of the group have participated in 25 research projects, among them 17 within the "Plan Nacional de I+D+i", 3 European networks (ISCH COST Action IS1312, Erasmus + KA2, Erasmus 3806/001-001), and a national network (FFI2016-81934-REDT).
The research interests of the group are the following:
(i) Studies in discourse, cognition, interculturality and ideology; (ii) Multimodal discourse studies; (iii) Studies in pragmatics and intercultural communication; (iv) Studies in literary discourse, cognitive poetics and narratology; (v) Discourse for academic and profesional studies.
The members of the group have published in international journals indexed in JCR, such as Discourse Studies (4), Journal of Pragmatics (2), Intercultural pragmatics (2), Belgium Journal of Linguistics (1), Critical Discourse Studies (1), Journal of English Studies (1), Journal of Gender Studies (1), Journal of Politeness Research (1), Languages in Contrast (1), Language Sciences (1), International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism (1), Computer Assisted Language Learning (1), Language and Education (1), Narrative (1), and other journals indexed in SCOPUS, ERIH, DICE-CINDOC, IBSS, RLG, o RILMS.
The members of the group have participated in 25 research projects, among them 17 within the "Plan Nacional de I+D+i", 3 European networks (ISCH COST Action IS1312, Erasmus + KA2, Erasmus 3806/001-001), and a national network (FFI2016-81934-REDT).
Research lines / projects proposed
The group has recently applied for a national research network research together with 5 other groups. The title of the project is: "Applied Cognitive Semiotics and Discourse Studies" (COGSEM) (Ref.: RED2018-102592-T). The proposed Network will integrate a multidisciplinary team of linguists, philosophers, art specialists, and neuroscientists.
The aim of the DISCOM-COGFUNC group within the network is to contribute to an interdisciplinary approach to the study of Cognitive Semiotics and Multimodality, and their applications in discourse studies and the critical turn on language and intercultural communication.
The PI and some members of the group have also applied for a national research project (Ref.:PGC2018-095798-B-I00) , which aims to develop an integrated framework for the analysis of stance and subjectivity, from a critical discourse perspective.
We thus propose the following research lines for this MSCA-IF Action:
(i) Creativity and Critical Metaphor Studies: This may involve research on metaphor and multimodality, use of metaphor in political discourse, discourse of the media, etc.
(ii) Stance and Subjectivity in Communication: Epistemicity, Effectivity and Evaluation. This may include work on discourse, emotion, persuasion and manipulation, etc.
The aim of the DISCOM-COGFUNC group within the network is to contribute to an interdisciplinary approach to the study of Cognitive Semiotics and Multimodality, and their applications in discourse studies and the critical turn on language and intercultural communication.
The PI and some members of the group have also applied for a national research project (Ref.:PGC2018-095798-B-I00) , which aims to develop an integrated framework for the analysis of stance and subjectivity, from a critical discourse perspective.
We thus propose the following research lines for this MSCA-IF Action:
(i) Creativity and Critical Metaphor Studies: This may involve research on metaphor and multimodality, use of metaphor in political discourse, discourse of the media, etc.
(ii) Stance and Subjectivity in Communication: Epistemicity, Effectivity and Evaluation. This may include work on discourse, emotion, persuasion and manipulation, etc.
Application requirements
Professional Experience & Documents
- Project with purpose statement and objectives, work plan and expected results.
- Letter of motivation
- CV
- Letter of motivation
- CV
One Page Proposal
You can attach the 'One Page Proposal' to enhance the attractiveness of your application. Supervisors usually appreciate it. Please take into account your background and the information provided in Research Team & Research Topic section to fill in it.
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