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Scientic Supervisor / Contact Person

Name and Surname
Tatiana Alieva

Localization & Research Area

Faculty / Institute
Faculty of Physical Science
Research Area
Information Science and Engineering (ENG), Physics (PHY)

MSCA & ERC experience

Research group / research team hosted any MSCA fellow?
Research group / research team have any ERC beneficiaries?

Research Team & Research Topic

Research Team / Research Group Name (if any)
Website of the Research team / Research Group / Department
Brief description of the Research Team / Research Group / Department
Interdisciplinary Group of Computational Optics (GICO-UCM) is a consolidated research group of Complutense University of Madrid (Spain). It is composed by 3 permanent professors, an associated professor, Emeritus professor and two PhD students. Our main research lines comprise the design, generation and characterization of optical beams and pulses; all optical manipulation of micro/nano particles and 3D/4D quantitative microscopy imaging. In particular, our results related to light-driven transport of particles has been highlighted as one of the most exciting optics research over the past 12 months by Optics & Photonics News.The group regularly receives funding through the National Competitive Grants Programme. GICO-UCM manages its own facilities that allows carrying out experimental research on an independent basis. It also collaborates with other UCM groups working in X-ray imaging and ultrafast optics and with researchers from Samara Branch Lebedev Physical Institute, Russia and Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina. The last 3 PhD thesis supervised by the group members received a best thesis award. One of them was recognized as Outstanding PhD Research by Springer. During last 7 years 3 PhD students and 2 postdocs from different countries have been trained in our group. In this period the group has produced two patents and published more than 50 papers, 10 book chapters, three electronic books for graduate students and edited a scientific book.
Research lines / projects proposed
Our main research lines comprise
-3D holographic optical tweezers for manipulation of nano- and micro-particles.
-Quantitative imaging techniques for widefield label-free microscopy.
-Design, generation and propagation of singular optical beams and pulses.
-No-interferometric techniques and experimental systems for light coherence analysis based on phase space tomography.

Application requirements

Professional Experience & Documents
Interested applicants should submit to the Contact Person mentioned above a motivated letter, a recent Curriculum Vitae, and two reference letters.
You can attach the 'One Page Proposal' to enhance the attractiveness of your application. Supervisors usually appreciate it. Please take into account your background and the information provided in Research Team & Research Topic section to fill in it.

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