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Factores Psicosociales, Voluntariado Y Apoyo Social

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Scientic Supervisor / Contact Person

Name and Surname
Andrés Arias Astray

Localization & Research Area

Faculty / Institute
Faculty of Social Work
Sección departamental de psicología social y Departamento de Trabajo Social y Servicios Sociales
Research Area
Social Sciences and Humanities (SOC)

MSCA & ERC experience

Research group / research team hosted any MSCA fellow?
Research group / research team have any ERC beneficiaries?

Research Team & Research Topic

Research Team / Research Group Name (if any)
Factores Psicosociales, Voluntariado Y Apoyo Social
Brief description of the Research Team / Research Group / Department
This is a multidisciplinary group integrated by social psychologists, social workers, sociologists, political scientists, philosophers belonging to the faculties of Psychology and Social Work.
Research lines / projects proposed
The group studies the relationships between main psychosocial process and key elements on social intervention and social work practice. It pays special attention to the study of innovative processes and to volunteers, professionals and users behavior. Some of the group research projects have been focus on volunteers burnout and permanence in institutions; new organizational arrangements to improve social attention to immigrant women victims of gender violence; psycho-social factors affecting professional decision making in cases of child sexual abuse; and new models to improve professional social work with groups.

Application requirements

Professional Experience & Documents
- Research interests
- Curriculum
- Letter of motivation
You can attach the 'One Page Proposal' to enhance the attractiveness of your application. Supervisors usually appreciate it. Please take into account your background and the information provided in Research Team & Research Topic section to fill in it.

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