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Innovación en la Selección, Formación y Práctica de los Docentes Investigadores (ISYFDI)

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Scientic Supervisor / Contact Person

Name and Surname
Jose Luis Aguilera-García

Localization & Research Area

Faculty / Institute
Faculty of Fine Arts
Estudios Educativos.
Research Area
Social Sciences and Humanities (SOC)

MSCA & ERC experience

Research group / research team hosted any MSCA fellow?
Research group / research team have any ERC beneficiaries?

Research Team & Research Topic

Research Team / Research Group Name (if any)
Innovación en la Selección, Formación y Práctica de los Docentes Investigadores (ISYFDI)
Brief description of the Research Team / Research Group / Department
The established Research Group on Innovation about the Selection, Education and practice Researcher Teacher [UCM-GR17-970603], (known by the acronym ISYFDI in Spanish), is a pioneer and leading research group on teacher training in all levels of system education, including university and social education with the aim to build more inclusive and equitable societies, following the recommendations of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
With a wide experience in international collaboration with researchers across Europe and Latin-America, the research team integrates experts on Science and Teacher Education with a broad and interdisciplinary background.
One of its main interests is the advancement of knowledge in the field of education, in particular, training teacher, neurosciences and education, and social and education inclusion, with the ultimate goal of benefiting society and enriching training of future teachers.
Currently, ISYFDI is researching, from a new perspective, on the family education of person with brain injury, to improve the effectiveness of neurorehabilitation by developing an innovative research tool. In this sense, our interest is the advancement of knowledge in the field of education and pedagogy, from the field of neuroscience.
The research group would be pleased to host social science scholars interested on these or related fields.
Research lines / projects proposed
One of our main interests is the advancement of knowledge in the field of education; in particular, training teacher, neurosciences and education, and social and education inclusion, with the ultimate goal of benefiting society and enriching training of future teachers. In this sense, our research projects are developed with higher education students and teachers, and groups at risk of social exclusion, as well as development cooperation projects focused on the protection of minors and development of service learning project. Currently, ISYFDI is also researching, from a new perspective, on the family education of person with brain injury, to improve the effectiveness of neurorehabilitation by developing an innovative research tool.
In particular, our research topics are:
oSpecialized training of the research teacher: We are interesting integrating the transversal competencies into teaching processes to improve University Education. The establishment of the European Higher Education Area prompted the research team to discover didactic procedures for stimulating the development of transversal competencies in teaching students.
oNeurodidactics: we are interested in researching and explaining how aspects of neurodevelopment influence learning, and how to apply this knowledge to selection and adaptation of instructional materials and teaching methodologies to facilitate the knowledge generation and to optimize the teaching-learning process.
oMeasures for educational inclusion: the research group is also interested in analysing attitudes towards inclusion of students with special needs and minority groups in scholar and university centres.
oSocial insertion and positive parenthood: The social inclusion of groups at risk of social exclusion is an important topic research.

Application requirements

Professional Experience & Documents
The candidate must be willing to participate in ongoing projects and/or to open a new line of research that helps to reinforce and establish contacts with Europe or Latin America.
oThree references
oCV and letter of interest of 2-3 pages where you briefly describe your proposed research project and explain why you think that ISYFDI could give you support,
oSpanish proficiency
You can attach the 'One Page Proposal' to enhance the attractiveness of your application. Supervisors usually appreciate it. Please take into account your background and the information provided in Research Team & Research Topic section to fill in it.

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