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La Otra Edad de Plata (1968-1936): Proyección cultural y legado digital (LOEP UCM)

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Scientic Supervisor / Contact Person

Name and Surname
Dolores Romero López

Localization & Research Area

Faculty / Institute
Faculty of Language Studies
Literaturas Hispánicas y Bibliografía
Research Area
Social Sciences and Humanities (SOC)

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Research Team & Research Topic

Research Team / Research Group Name (if any)
La Otra Edad de Plata (1968-1936): Proyección cultural y legado digital (LOEP UCM)
Website of the Research team / Research Group / Department
Brief description of the Research Team / Research Group / Department
Since the year 2007 the members of this group have researched on Spanish literature and culture during the Silver Age (1868-1936). Evaluated as "Good" by the Spanish Assessment Agency, the group counts with more than 200 impact publications. The group focuses on interdisciplinary lines of research whose main objective the study of "rare and forgotten" authors, genres, themes and styles during the period. The members are specialists in Philology, History, Librarianship and Computing Science. We have developed projects on Cultural Memory, Women Studies, Digital Editions and Digital History. Our main digital research results are "Mnemosine, Biblioteca Digital de La otra Edad de Plata" ( and "Edad de Plata interactiva" (, both with the support of Spanish National Library.
Research lines / projects proposed
We will support researchers specialized in Digital Humanities and Spanish Silver Age.

Our future project, MNEMOSINE-2021, is a multidisciplinary research project in which traditional historiographical principles are overcome to put forward a "digital history" of the Silver Age according to the data, materials and theoretical foundations derived from the process of mass digitization of contents carried out in the last decades. Its purposes are: (i) to rescue and expand the corpus of "rare and forgotten" creators, texts, sources and genres of the Silver Age; (ii) to import metadata, complete them, and create new tabs and relationships to develop specific collections within Mnemosyne, using tools that enhance their interoperability with other systems and platforms; (iii) to state a theoretical approach to the Silver Age of Spanish culture based on the principles of the so-called "digital history", that allows a change in the historiographic, teaching and cultural paradigm, and (iv) to make a practical application of highly specialized content related with the alternative canon of the Silver Age, in order to make feasible its educational value in teaching programs. In this project we want to develop and enrich Mnemosine with new collections taking into account the ontological and epistemological principles of digital history: (i) hypertextuality, (ii) distant reading, (iii) close reading, (iv) geolocation, (v) the dematerialization of content and (vi) transdisciplinarity.From the technological point of view, this research will allow us to develop (i) advanced navigation -that enables automatic and personalized recommendation-; (ii) metadata interoperability, and (iii) the development of the Clavy platform - data creation and management support to integrate new tools.

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