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Madrid Theatre Research Institute

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Faculty / Institute
Institute of Madrid Theatre (ITEM)
Literaturas hispánicas
Research Area
Social Sciences and Humanities (SOC)

MSCA & ERC experience

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Research Team & Research Topic

Research Team / Research Group Name (if any)
Madrid Theatre Research Institute
Website of the Research team / Research Group / Department
Brief description of the Research Team / Research Group / Department
The Instituto del Teatro de Madrid (ITEM) / Institute for Theatrical Research is a center devoted to the study of theater in its various forms. The Institute has 40 professors and investigators at different stages of their academic career (full professors to early researchers) that cover all theatrical European languages and traditions and who have promised to collaborate in this project. Among its objectives lie the promotion of research and teaching international exchange with other college and universities, the coordination of a number of research projects, the organization of specific graduate courses at the Master"s and PhD level, and the lodging of three book series and two academic journals.
The Institute is a major research institutions with over half a dozen different funded national and international research projects. Its overarching purpose is to serve as liaison between the worlds of the theatrical scene and the universities, two milieus, which have been often distanced unnaturally. At the Institute for Theatre Studies we organise at least one major international conference each year and a number of smaller symposia.
A full list of projects, publications, and members can be seen at our website:

In a recent internal evaluation, the Institute for Theatrical Research has been considered the second best-performing Research Institute at the whole Complutense.
Research lines / projects proposed
The Institute is a major research institution with over half a dozen different funded national and international research projects. Among others, we can list "Early Classical Spanish Theatre: Platform for the Scenic and Textual Research of Sixteenth-Century Spanish Drama (1496-1542)" funded by the National Research Plan of the Ministry of economy and Competitiveness (FFI2015-64799-P) ( The second one, is titled "TEU: History of University Theater 1939-1950)" and is also funded by the National Research Plan of the Ministry of economy and Competitiveness (ffi2015-66393-p). The third one, generously funded by the Community of Madrid with almost 200,000¤, is called "Digital platform for the Research and Broadcast of contemporary theatre in Madrid (TEAMAD)" (H 2015/HUM-3366) counts with over 30 researchers who are in the process of developing a huge database of all plays performed in Madrid from 2016 to 2018. It has been renewed under the name "CARTEMAD: Digital Cartography of Theater in Madrid". It can be seen at It now entails near 600 complete listings including professional reviews, stage data, clips and stage pictures that help both the specialist and the lay to map out the theatrical reality of Madrid, whose theatrical activity amounts to almost 2% of its GDP. We are constantly open to new fields of research within theatrical studies.

Application requirements

Professional Experience & Documents
Application: documents requested
The fellow should sent the following documents:
Letter of motivation, and potential benefits of fellowship on this action
Full proposal of activities
You can attach the 'One Page Proposal' to enhance the attractiveness of your application. Supervisors usually appreciate it. Please take into account your background and the information provided in Research Team & Research Topic section to fill in it.

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