Search Result
Miguel-Angel Chaves
Social Sciences and Humanities (SOC)
Faculty of Media & Communication Science
María Fernández Mellizo-Soto
Social Sciences and Humanities (SOC)
Faculty of Education – Teaching and Learning Centre
José Manuel Udías Moinelo
Life Sciences (LIF), Physics (PHY)
Faculty of Physical Science
Gonzalo Carracedo
Life Sciences (LIF)
Faculty of Optics and Optometry
Juan Borrero Del Pino
Life Sciences (LIF)
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Concha Gil
Life Sciences (LIF)
Faculty of Pharmacy
Juan Carlos García Palomares
Social Sciences and Humanities (SOC), Information Science and Engineering (ENG)
Faculty of Geography and History
Jose Martinez-Diaz
Environmental Sciences and Geology (ENV)
Faculty of Geological Science
Francisco Javier Gallego Rodríguez
Life Sciences (LIF)
Faculty of Biological Science
Rosa María Garcia Garcia
Life Sciences (LIF)
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Antonio Dobado González
Physics (PHY)
Faculty of Physical Science
Isidro Moreno Sánchez
Social Sciences and Humanities (SOC)
Faculty of Media & Communication Science
Mohamed Khayet
Information Science and Engineering (ENG), Environmental Sciences and Geology (ENV), Physics (PHY)
Faculty of Physical Science
Pablo Gervás
Information Science and Engineering (ENG)
Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering
Elena Casado Aparicio
Social Sciences and Humanities (SOC)
Faculty of Political and Social Science
Marta Domínguez Pérez
Social Sciences and Humanities (SOC)
Faculty of Political and Social Science